Let’s give a big round of applause to MacKenzie Pacifico! Her commitment and dedication in everything she undertakes make her shine like a rockstar. MacKenzie is a regular in both the 6:30 am and 8:30 am classes. Not only does she consistently show up for her workouts, but she also supports others during competitions. If you catch her on a machine, get ready to chase her!

Q & A with MacKenzie:
How long have you been doing CrossFit? Who or what got you started?
Nick, my husband, gently suggested I’d enjoy CrossFit, like Alpine specifically, and to try it for about eight years before I joined in late July/August of 2022. Quick to listen to advice, I know. Eventually, my fitness priorities changed from trying to make my body as small as possible to being interested in how strong I could get and my stubbornness lessened just enough to try something new. Enter Alpine – starting at two classes per week and now I’m usually here four or five times per week.

Tell us a little bit about yourself: (Family, career, hobbies, interests)
I grew up on a farm in Grand Island, Nebraska, and went to college at the University of Nebraska at Kearney where Nick and I met (in 2004). In 2006, we moved to Denver (he grew up in Westminster) and I began my career in museum marketing and fundraising, eventually becoming the executive director of a 14-acre living history park with a house museum on site, Four Mile Historic Park. After ten years with the organization and the birth of our eldest child, I decided it was time for a change and left my job to stay home with our then-one child and now three children, Gino (8), Lia (6), and Siena (4). In the past eight years, I’ve also volunteered for the Wishbone Foundation (a nonprofit providing bereavement and self-care training to professionals directly impacting families that have experienced a pregnancy loss), Boulder Hockey Club, and our children’s schools. During the summer months, we camp at a nearby reservoir every weekend where we try to get as much time out on the water as possible with our extended family who also camps with us. My goal this summer (same as in previous years) is to finally land that 360 on the surfboard. I also thoroughly enjoy a sunny patio happy hour, reading daily – have two books going most of the time, British detective shows (hello, Poirot), documentaries (primarily sports or art history), any marching band content on social media (band nerd here), and listening to music at all times (so many playlists).

What is your favorite memory at Alpine CrossFit?
I’ll always favor the big gatherings that Alpine hosts and spectating at the comps for the camaraderie and extended shenanigans we can have outside the class setting.

What was your workout regimen before joining Alpine?
Prior to joining Alpine, I took Peloton rides and strength classes at home 3-5 times per week. I’ll still hop on the bike or take a strength class now and then when my schedule doens’t allow for me to get to Alpine or I need a low-impact day (usually Saturdays).

How has CrossFit affected your life outside of the gym?
The confidence I’ve gained in my ability to consistently face uncomfortable situations and do hard things is all thanks to practicing just that at Alpine every class. Not a day goes by that you’re not pushing yourself to get better at your form, strength, endurance, correctly counting rounds/reps, doing correct weight math, following directions, etc.

If you could write a book, what would it be about?
Ohhhhh, if I had any creative writing talent I’d write a historic fiction whodunit novel with a dual timeline and POV. I get hooked on a book quickly if it has references to historic architectural gems, events, or famous characters woven into the plot.

What category would you be least excited/most excited to see on Jeopardy?
Least: Geography Most: Culture and Sports (I think I’ve absorbed quite a bit of sports info after 20 years with Nick)

What was your first workout, and what did you think after doing it?
No clue. It was probably a dumbbell or deadlift workout as I was pretty fearful of any other barbell movements in the beginning. I’m sure I was questioning my decision-making but eventually had a mindset shift (I call them shit-shifts) and ended up having a good enough time to come back again.

What is your favorite and least favorite WOD?
My brain doesn’t retain the clever names of our WODs. SugarWOD should add a rating option so I can remember the pain better. Least: Any with wall walks or “long distance” running because I need to improve my form and attitude. Most: Any combo with machines, cleans, dumbbells, and/or deadlifts

What are your favorite and least favorite movements?
Ha! Same as the least/most favorite WODs.

What advice would you give a newbie just getting started at Alpine CrossFit?

Commit to your number of days, and soon enough you’ll be motivated to do more. I liked attending the same class time to get to know a core group of people faster. Don’t be too hard on yourself for not knowing everything, the coaches and members will help you out. The same goes for not worrying about anyone “seeing you fail” or “watching you”, we’re all too focused on our form, rep count, and what comes next to worry about what you look like and you want the coaches to watch you so you can improve faster.

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