Let’s give a big shoutout to Matthew Schlager for being in the athlete spotlight!  His dedication is exceptional, both in and out of class.  Matthew never misses a sessions, and his effort is truly impressive.  You can usually find him at the 5:30am class with our die-hard early risers.  If you see him around, be sure to give him a high five! Keep it up, Matt! 

Q & A with Matthew:
How long have you been doing CrossFit? Who or what got you started?

I took a year off and got serious about fitness. In 2016, I trained consistently for about six months. My workouts used to focus on boxing and MMA, but then I had a motorcycle accident. When I was able to move again, I started running. Eventually, I lost interest in running and decided to get back into CrossFit. From that moment, the addiction was real.

Tell us a little bit about yourself: (Family, career, hobbies, interests)

I have a wife named Lisa and a 2.5-year-old son named Dresden, though we call him by his middle name, Beck. I’m a criminal prosecutor in Denver. Hobbies used to be a thing, but I still write comic books in my spare time.

What is your favorite memory at Alpine CrossFit?

When I started, I wasn’t even at Level 1. My favorite memory was realizing, ‘I’ve solidly moved into a Level 2 athlete now.’ Maybe one day, I’ll reach Level 3.

What was your workout regimen before joining Alpine?

I used to run and lift. After my motorcycle accident, I was laid up for a few months, which made me miss running. I did marathon training programs to improve my long-distance speed, but during the last program, I felt completely unmotivated and decided it was time to try something new.

How has CrossFit affected your life outside of the gym?

I’m an early-riser now. General health feels much better.  

If you could write a book, what would it be about?

Everybody seems to love true-crime nowadays.  I’ve got some stories.

What category would you be least excited/most excited to see on Jeopardy?

Least excited:  Pop-culture.  Most excited:  90’s action movies.

What was your first workout, and what did you think after doing it?

My first workout ever? Or at Alpine? I don’t remember either. When I was a kid, my dad had one of those back extension devices with two handles separated by springs—I had fun with that. My first workout at Alpine? I’m sure I thought… ouch.

What is your favorite and least favorite WOD?

Favorite:  Grindy.  Least Favorite:  Sprinty.

What are your favorite and least favorite movements?

Favorite:  Chest day!!!! Least Favorite:  MF’ing thrusters.

What advice would you give a newbie just getting started at Alpine CrossFit?

Push through for one month, before deciding anything…..and buy grips.

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