Patrick Ernst’s dedication and commitment are truly commendable.  Despite his demanding work schedule, Patrick attends classes at various times throughout the week, making the most of every opportunity to train.  His flexibility and determination are a testament to his passion for fitness and personal growth.

Since joining Alpine, Patrick has made remarkable progress. He has consistently pushed his limits, achieving new personal records and demonstrating significant improvements in his performance. His journey is an inspiration to all of us, showing that with hard work and dedication, we can achieve great things.

If you see Patrick around the gym, don’t hesitate to give him a high five and congratulate him on his impressive achievements. He embodies the spirit of our community, and we are proud to have him as part of the Alpine family!

Q & A with Patrick:
How long have you been doing CrossFit? Who or what got you started?

I started coming to Alpine in Dec 2022 regularly.  I had gone to CrossFit off and on after college and never really stuck with it.  Have always enjoyed fitness and the community at Alpine has helped me stay consistent this time.

Tell us a little bit about yourself: (Family, career, hobbies, interests)

I grew up in Colorado and have always loved the outdoors and sports in general.  My husband Kaige and I love living in the mountains with our 3 dogs.  I run my family business making hot sauces & salsas.

What is your favorite memory at Alpine CrossFit?

I really loved participating in the Open this year.  It was fun to actually understand what was going on and competing

What was your workout regimen before joining Alpine?

I played soccer 3-4 times a week.

How has CrossFit affected your life outside of the gym?

I have scaled back to just once a week playing soccer.  Instead, going to CrossFit has added a lot of consistency to my week.  It’s been nice to see the improvements in strength and overall fitness.

If you could write a book, what would it be about?

The book would not be long, as I have never been great at writing/creative.  That is why Colorado School of Mines was a great choice for me.  If I were to write a book, it would be about how being vegan can help with all aspects of life.

What category would you be least excited/most excited to see on Jeopardy?

Most excited:  sports trivia Least excited:  English/grammar

What was your first workout, and what did you think after doing it?

I don’t remember the exact workout, but I remember it having rowing and pull ups.  My main thoughts were, don’t get hurt and try not to throw up.  I was successful at both!

What is your favorite and least favorite WOD?

Favorite:  Haven’t done too many of the girls or heroes, so probably Murph since it has running.  Least:  The 125 Cals on the assault bike from 6/26.

What are your favorite and least favorite movements?

Favorite:  anything running Least:  Wall walks

What advice would you give a newbie just getting started at Alpine CrossFit?

Just try to stay consistent and keep coming back.  Everyone has been so awesome!

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